Beavers as ecosystem engineers

What impact do beavers have on their environments? Can they actually play a role in natural flood management? New artwork by More than Minutes illustrates research by The University of Exeter’s Dr Alan Puttock, working with the Cornwall Wildlife Trust, Devon Wildlife Trust and others.

6 images showing the impact of beavers on their environment - titled climate hazards, engineers, reintroduction, wetlands, storms, drought. Each image will be explained in the following thread.
A family use a boat to sail away from their flooded home. Climate Hazards: Natural hazards including drought and flood are economically and socially costly and predicted to increase under future climate scenarios.
Beavers inside their dam, carrying sticks to build the wooden structure. Engineers: Beavers are keystone species and ecosystem engineers who can profoundly shape environments to suit their ecological needs.
Two beavers construct a dam in a river near to a house. Reintroduction: Beavers are now being reintroduced to Great Britain. Their return will require renewed coexistence with people to minimise conflict and maximise benefits.
A beaver constructs a dam overlooking a flourishing wetland ecosystem. Wetlands: Beavers create complex wetland environments that form habitats for a whole host of species.
A beaver stands on top of a dam, which is stopping a heavy flow of water, only allowing a small amount downstream. Storms: Following rainstorms when flood risk is greatest, beaver wetlands slow the flow and reduce flood peaks downstream.
Beavers construct a dam, which has created a large pool of water. Drought: Beaver ponds store and slowly release water during dry periods providing drought resilience.
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