Scope 3 Community of Practice – January meeting


To achieve Net Zero emissions, all organisations must not only measure and reduce the carbon associated with their direct activities and energy use, but also those emissions from indirect activity. These Scope 3 emissions, including what we buy, are extremely difficult to accurately understand, and therefore manage. The Scope 3 Community of Practice is a

Adaptation Community of Practice – January meeting


The Green Futures Network’s Climate Adaptation Community of Practice is open to all organisations across the UK that are working to develop their understanding of and engagement with adaptation. Our last meeting focused on adaptation and heat, following the summer’s unprecedented heatwaves, and the climate forecasts for the years ahead. January's session will focus on

The Cornish Devolution Debate


A series of talks and roundtable discussion around a potential devolution deal for Cornwall and the condition of having an elected Mayor.

Edit for Climate Change: Wikipedia Editathon


Climate change knowledge empowers informed decisions at a time of great urgency. Read 22 billion times a month, Wikipedia is an effective platform to mobilise information, research and expert knowledge searchable and accessible, and to combat misinformation.

Adaptation Community of Practice – March meeting


The Green Futures Network’s Climate Adaptation Community of Practice is open to all organisations across the UK that are working to develop their understanding of and engagement with adaptation.

Doughnut Economics: A toolkit for action

St Austell Printing Company St Austell Business Park, St Austell, Cornwall

This workshop explores how Kate Raworth’s Doughnut Economics model can be applied to business to bring about positive change.

Scope 3 Community of Practice – March meeting


The Scope 3 Community of Practice is a learning network of organisations across the South West of the UK, including councils, businesses and public sector organisations, who are committed to reducing their indirect emissions.

Perspectives on personalised ecology


Each of us has a personalised ecology, a set of direct interactions with the natural world that change through the day, the week, the season, and across our lifetimes.

Adaptation Community of Practice – May meeting


The Green Futures Network’s Climate Adaptation Community of Practice is open to all organisations across the UK that are working to develop their understanding of and engagement with adaptation.

Scope 3 Community of Practice – May meeting


The Scope 3 Community of Practice is a learning network of organisations across the South West of the UK, including councils, businesses and public sector organisations, who are committed to reducing their indirect emissions.

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