A series of talks and roundtable discussion around a potential devolution deal for Cornwall and the condition of having an elected Mayor.
Event Description
Cornwall has the offer of a new Devolution Deal, which comes with the condition of having an elected Mayor. The people of Cornwall are now deciding if this is what we want, and to help us make up our minds, the University of Exeter’s Institute of Cornish Studies is teaming up with the Environment and Sustainability Institute, and the Political Studies Association Local Politics and Governance Specialist Group to host a hybrid event. This will bring together organisations from Cornwall – academics and policy practitioners with experience of City Region/Combined Authority Mayors and local political leaders – to make for a lively and informed debate.
Please join us for a series of short presentations on the devolution offer and experience elsewhere, followed by a roundtable discussion chaired by Lawrence Reed.
Please note that you can attend the event in-person at the University of Exeter, Penryn Campus (although spaces are limited) or join online via Zoom. Please indicate which option you require when you register – we will email the zoom link before the event.
The official consultation period for the devolution deal runs from 9 December 2022 to 17 February 2023, giving people time to contribute after our event.
Event Itinerary
(The itinerary will be updated as we finalise speaker information and further details)
13.15: Assemble in the Environment and Sustainability Institute, Trevithick Room with tea/coffee and cake (or join online via the zoom link sent just before the event)
13.30: Welcome from Professor Jane Wills, Director of the Environment and Sustainability Institute
13.30-14.30: The view from Cornwall – Chaired by Dr Garry Tregidga, Co-Director of the Institute of Cornish Studies
Representatives from local organisations and commentators will reflect on the devolution offer and the pros and cons of having a Mayor. We have invited council representatives to formally present the deal, Dr Bernard Deacon and Steven Horscroft will comment after this (others TBC)
Cllr Louis Gardner, Cabinet Member for Economy
14:30-15:30: Mayors in Practice – Chaired by Professor Jane Wills, Director of the Environment and Sustainability Institute
Academic analysts and policy practitioners, with experience of Metro and Combined Authority Mayors, will help us reflect on the offer
Roger Lawrence, Former Leader of City of Wolverhampton Council and part of West Midlands Combined Authority: Mayoral Combined Authority in the West Midlands: a Council Leader’s perspective
1. Getting agreement between the parties
2. Growing pains and delivering on the Devo Deal
Professor Andy PikeCentre for Urban and Regional Development Studies, University of Newcastle: Metro Mayors – Issues for Mayors and decentralising governance in England
Georgina BlakeleyUniversity of Huddersfield: Metro Mayors – Experiences from Greater Manchester and Liverpool City Region
Dr Mark Sandford, Senior Research Analyst, House of Commons Library – The Cornwall deal: what’s on the menu?
15:30-15.40: Comfort break with tea/coffee and cake
15:40-17:00: Roundtable discussion with speakers and audience debate – Chaired by Laurence Reed, former BBC Radio Cornwall journalist and presenter